User-Centered Web Technology SS2018

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin


This is a practical class in User Centered Design.

You will choose your own project to work on and go through a UCD Process during the course of the term.

This is a practical class, there will be short lecture parts, but the main part of the course will consist of reading and practical work on your project in a small team. The workload per week is about 9 to 10,5 hrs (in accordance with the 5 ECTS you earn), that is, an additional 7 to 8 hrs on top of the time spend in class.

Have a look at the schedule to see how this breaks down. If needed, further information will appear on the Reports page.

You are expected to report on your project two times during the term: One intermediate report (will be scheduled depending on the number of teams in class) and one final presentation towards the end.


There are three reports to hand in via moodle, and a two project presentations including slides. Each of this counts 1/5 towards the grade:

  • Report I: User Research
  • Report II: Product Design
  • Report III: User Testing
  • Intermediate Project Presentation (Actual Presentation & Slides)
  • Presentation (Actual Presentation & Slides)

Reports I+II are due the night before in the specified week. Presentation Slides of your intermediate presentation are due a day after this presentation. Report III + the presentation slides are due 1 week after final project presentations.


Lowdermilk, Travis. User-Centered Design: A Developer’s Guide to Building User-Friendly Applications (Kindle Location 2233). O’Reilly Media. Kindle Edition.