B15 Informatik 3 (Info3)

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin


No.DayDateTopicLectureAss.Lab (Friday)
1Thu10-Oct-13SEIntroduction to Info 3 and Software Engineering
2Fri11-Oct-13SENo Lecture/Lab: E-LearningSetup your Development Environment
3Thu17-Oct-13SESoftware Configuration Management
4Fri18-Oct-13SESoftware Configuration Management1Development Environment & GIT, Markdown
7Thu31-Oct-13SESoftware Development Processes, Rest of Intro to SE
8Fri1-Nov-13SESoftware Development Processes,Requirements Engineering2UML Part I: Use Cases
9Thu7-Nov-13SEProbelehrveranstaltung im Rahmen eines Berufungsverfahrens
10Fri8-Nov-13SESystem Modeling and Architectural Design3UML Part II: Class Diagrams
11Thu14-Nov-13SEAgile Manifesto, Scrum (Scrum Ceremonies and Sprints)
12Fri15-Nov-13Clean CodeClean Code4UML Part III: State Machine Diagrams
13Thu21-Nov-13Clean CodeSOLID Principles
14Fri22-Nov-13Clean CodeSOLID Principles II5UML Part IV: Sequence Diagrams
15Thu28-Nov-13Best PracticesRuby Intro
16Fri29-Nov-13Clean CodePair Programming and Code Review6Ruby Exercise
17Thu5-Dec-13Best PracticesSoftware Testing
18Fri6-Dec-13Clean CodeWorking with Legacy Code7Testing 1: Test Driven Design
19Thu12-Dec-13Adv. OODObject Relations: Composition and Inheritance
20Fri13-Dec-13Adv. OODDependency Management and Working with APIs8Testing 2: Black-/Whiteboxtests
21Thu19-Dec-13Adv. OODIntroduction to Ruby Dynamic Typing, Duck Typing
23Thu9-Jan-14PatternsWorking with Legacy Code
24Fri10-Jan-14PatternsSoftware Design Patterns10Legacy Code Kata
25Thu16-Jan-14PatternsPatterns of Enterprise Application Architecture(POEAA)
26Fri17-Jan-14PatternsIntroduction to Rails, POEAA Revisited, Model View Controller11Rails Start
27Thu23-Jan-14Best PracticesAssociations in Rails, Internationalisierung und Lokalisierung von Software
28Fri24-Jan-14Best PracticesSCM, Build Management, Continuous Deployment12Rails Associations and Internationalization (2weeks)
29Thu30-Jan-14ArchitectureDistributed Systems and SOA
34Fri14-Feb-14Probably Showtime

Application Architectures